
Consuming SOAP Web Services Using MuleSoft 4

Consuming SOAP-based web services with Anypoint Studio is easy. Doing so assists serialization and deserialization as well as SOAP envelope and namespace processing. The Web Service Consumer (WSC) connector consumes a SOAP Web service to acquire data from an external source. In many cases, you can use an existing MuleSoft connector, such as Workday or Service Now, to connect to a service provider. However, when no connector available for a specific Web service, the easiest way to consume the service from a Mule app is to use the Web Service Consumer connector.
The main features of this connector include:
Ø  Consuming DOC Literal Web services.
Ø  SOAP multipart messages.
Ø  SOAP Headers.
Ø  DataSense support for SOAP Headers, SOAP Body, and Attachment.
Ø  Embedded DataWeave transformations inside the operation.
Ø  Support and Unified experience for SOAP with attachments and MTOM handling.
Ø  Custom HTTP configuration as transport (Runtime and Design Time).
Ø  WS Securities support.
Create Mule Project
Create a new Mule project. Go to File > New > Mule Project.
Name the project as flights-ws-consumer-services. Click Finish
On the canvas, drag an HTTP connector as shown below. Click HTTP Connector on the canvas to configure its properties. Below, next to the Console window, you can see HTTP properties window as well.
In Properties window, keep the path as /flights.
Click the green + sign next to Connector Configuration drop down. You can see the Global Elements Properties window pop up. Many fields are pre-populated. For now, we use the default host, port and enter Base Path as /api.
Click OK. Now Click on Add Modules drag and drop  a web service consumer from the Mule palette to add into Project. Now drag and drop Consume from Mule palette to canvas.
Click Consume to configure its properties. Below, you can see the Consume properties window.
Click green + sign next to Connect Configuration. This will open a Global Element Properties window as shown below.
Let's set WSDL Location with the value http://mu.learn.mulesoft.com/delta?wsdl.
Service, port, and address are automatically populated by the Web Service Consumer Connector based on the value of WSDL location. If there are multiple services hosted on the same "location," then you can choose from the service drop-down accordingly. 
Back to the Mule design. You can see that Connector Configuration is set to the global Web_Service_Consumer element.
Just below that, choose the operation that you want to call. In our case, in our web services exposes two operations: findFlight and listAllFlights. Choose findFlight from dropdown as we will need to get the flight details based on Destination as Input. 
Drag and drop a set variable element from the Mule palette between HTTP and Consume. This will capture the query parameter destination in the URL and assign it to variable called inputDestination as shown below:
Drag and drop a transform message from the Mule palette, after the variable. Assign inputDestination to destination: String as shown below. This will set the input for the SOAP request, which will be sent to the web service.
Drag and drop a transform message from the Mule palette, after the Consume. Convert the payload to Json formate as shown below. This will set the response as Json from the SOAP response.
That's it! Let's deploy the application. Right click on project Run As à Mule Application.
This we steps deploys our application in MuleSoft embabed server. Let's send a request to our mule flow using chrome. For this we will get the Flight details for destination ‘SFO’.
Type http://localhost:8081/api/flights?destination=SFO in the address bar and hit enter. We will get the SOAP response with the converted json format.
We have successfully consumed a SOAP-based public web service from Anypoint Studio.
All we have done is consume a SOAP-based public web service from Mule Anypoint Studio is a WSDL to locate the SOAP-based web service. I will show how to consume private Web Services with security and proxy configuration in my upcoming articles. Keep on watch this place for more articles.
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