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Author :
Global TechHub

Introduction What is the difference between web APIs and web services?. All web services are APIs, but not all APIs are web services. Web APIs and web services are often confused with each other; however, web APIs are an evolution of web services. Both facilitate information transfer, but web APIs are more dynamic than web services are. What is a web service? By definition, a web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the Internet and standardizes its communication via XML encoding. A client invokes a web service by sending a request (usually in the form of an XML message), and the service sends back an XML response. Web services invoke communication over a network, with HTTP as the most common means of connectivity between the two systems. For many, web services are synonymous with SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) and primarily rely on standards such as XML-RPC and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). One of the primary criticisms of the ...
Author :
Global TechHub

Introduction In this article, I am going to explain about Anypoint Studio. Anypoint Studio is MuleSoft’s Eclipse-based integration development environment for designing and testing Mule applications. Anypoint Studio features enhance your productivity when building Mule applications: Ø Instant run of your Mule application inside a local runtime Ø Visual editors to configure API definition files and Mule domains Ø Push changes to a local running app to test changes Ø Integration with Exchange to import templates, examples, definitions and other resources from your Anypoint Platform organization Ø Embedded unit testing framework Ø Built-in support to deploy to CloudHub Anypoint Studio 7.x only supports Mule 4.x projects, and Studio 6.x only supports Mule 3.x. The structure of the project, export format, XML and scripting language are different. It isn’t possible to embed Mule 3.x runtimes or older versions into Anypoint Studi...