
Different ways of Creating Spring Boot Project

In this article, I am going to explain how to create a Spring Boot Application in different ways. Spring Boot had been built for Rapid Application Development. In this article, we will explore the different options of creating Spring Boot projects with Maven and Eclipse. You will learn:
Ø  Create Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr.
Ø  Create Spring Boot Project with Spring Starter Eclipse Plugin.
Ø  Generate Spring Boot Project with a simple Maven Project in Eclipse.
Create Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr
The best way of creating Spring Boot application is by using Spring Initializr. Let’s first start by opening http//start.spring.io. As you already know, you can use either Maven or Gradle to build, however we will use Maven in this tutorial.
1.      Select Maven Project, Java and Spring Boot version as 2.0.1
2.      Change the Group/Package name. Enter as com.eai.integration
3.      Change the Artifact to SpringBoot-Initializr, Name will automatically change to the same
4.      Type the Dependencies and select them. We will add Web and Jersey (JAX-RS)
5.      Click on Generate Project button to download the zip file.
Now Extract the zip and Open Terminal and navigate to the above folder. Type mvn clean package and press enter. The Build will start now.
Once the build has been completed, you will have the SpringBoot-Initializr-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar created inside the target folder.
Create Spring Boot Project with Spring Starter Eclipse Plugin
We will use STS(Spring Tool Suite) Toolkit to create Spring Boot application when using eclipse. We will first install the STS. Open Eclipse Marketplace, Type STS in Find and install the STS.
Create a New -> Spring Starter Project.
Enter the following details. Click Next.
Select Web and Web Services as Dependencies. Click on Next and Click on Finish.
This should create the Spring Boot Project in Eclipse.
Generate Spring Boot Project with a simple Maven Project in Eclipse
In Eclipse, start with File > New > MavenProject.
In the next screen, provide below details for your project and click Finish.
This would create a basic Maven project with zero dependencies. Next, add in the appropriate Spring Boot starters into the pom.xml:
spring-boot-starter – this lets spring boot autoconfigure your application
spring-boot-starter-web – this dependency tells spring boot that your application is a web application. This add the functionality of @Controller, @RequestMapping, etc.
Create the Main Class
Just like any java application, we need to define the main method in which will be the starting point. Here we create a class named Application.java with the annotation @SpringBootApplication.
public class Application {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
           System.out.println(“Hello, Spring Boot”)
To run, open the class Application then right click the main method and select run or debug to debug the app. This will print Hello, Spring Boot message in  the console.
Hope this Step by Step approach will helped you. Next we will learn how to create REST Services and use Actuator in Spring Boot. Later we will also learn how to deploy Spring Boot Application in IBM Liberty Profile and IBM WAS 8.5 Server. Lot of Spring boot articles to come here. Keep eye on this blog for more articles.
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