
Hello World API using IBM API Connect

In this article, you will learn how to create new API using IBM API Connect. Using the graphical design tools and source editor, you will create a new API called Hello World API which will return the greeting message based on requested name.
In my previous article you can lean how to setup IBM API Connect instance/environment in IBM Could.
Create the API and API Definition
Step 1: Click on the + Add button and New API.
Step 2: Enter the appropriate information to create a REST API definition.
Title: Hello World API
Name: helloworld-api
Base Path: /helloworld
Version: 1.0.0
You do not add a product at this time, click Create API.
If the API Editor help screen appears, click the sentence Learn more about composing APIs, or click Got it! to access the main screen immediately.
Step 3: In the side bar, select Paths to display the Paths panel. Create a new path by clicking the Add   Path icon  .
In the Path field, replace the default path segment with /greeting. When an operation is called, this path  segment is appended to the URL of your API.
By default, a single GET operation is already in your Path. Click the GET button to expand the setting dialog.
Step 4: In the side bar, click Definitions to display the Definitions panel. Add a Definition by clicking the Add Definition icon  .
Expand your new definition by clicking new-definition-1. For the Name field, enter greeting, and a Description of The format of the greeting object.
Using the same Definitions panel, edit the default property and then create new properties by clicking Add Property and editing the default values. In our case I am renaming new-property-1 to message.
Step 5: In the side bar, select Paths to display the Paths panel. For the /greeting Path, click GET to expand the available settings. Include the greeting definition in the GET operation Status Code 200 response by clicking the Schema field and selecting greeting from the drop-down list.
Step 6: In the submenu navigation bar, click the Assemble tab to open the assemble view.
Delete the default Invke Activity. Drag and drop gateway script to pallet as shown below.
Step 7: Access the invoke policy property sheet by clicking the gateway script label.
Update the following details as shown below.
Step 8: Click the Save icon The Save icon. to save your changes.
Click the Source tab to view the OpenAPI (Swagger 2.0) definition of your API. All the configuration you have performed is included in this definition, either as part of the standard OpenAPI (Swagger 2.0) schema, or as part of the x-ibm-configuration extension.
Testing the REST API
Click the Assemble tab.
Click the Test icon. The test tool opens, overlaying the palette.
Enter product name as ‘Hello World Product’ and click on create and publish.
Than click on next.
In the Operation section, use the drop-down menu to select the get /greeting/{name} operation.
At the bottom of the section, enter name as ‘Ameer’ click Invoke. The operation is called by the test tool. The response of your API is shown in the test tool as shown below.
In this article, we learnt Creating a REST API definition and Tested a REST API. In other articles you get a chance to test the API by using the Developer Portal and API Manager test tools, both of which run online.
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