
Applying a Custom Theme In IBM BPM

This article shows how to create a custom theme and then set a process application to use that theme. By default, a new process application uses the BPM Theme. This theme contains all of the definitions used by the IBM® BPM responsive controls. This sample creates a theme that is based on the BPM Theme and modifies two variables to change the appearance of many responsive controls. The sample then opens the existing Sample to change its theme to the new custom theme to demonstrate how changing the theme changes how the existing Sample looks.
Step 1: Create a Login Page. Lean how to create login page in IBM BPM.
When you run the login page with IBM BPM existing theme it will looks like below.
Step 2: Create a theme called Custom Theme by copying the BPM Theme. For information, see Creating Themes.
Step 3: Open the process app settings. In the Coach Designer Settings section, change the theme to the new theme and then save your change. The save triggers generating the CSS that Process Designer uses to display the controls in the layout.
Step 4: To see the effect of changing the theme, open the Login CSHS human service and then open the Login coach. The CSS generation takes time so a delay might occur before you see the effect, which looks like the screen capture: 
Step 5: Click on Run button on Login CSHS right corner. It will open Login Page as shown below. You can see the theme has been changed. 
If you change the Sample back to using the BPM Theme, the same coach reverts to the default BPM Theme colors:
We have learnt how to apply custom theme to an existing process application in this article. We will lean more about custom theme usage in IBM BPM in future articles. 
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