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Author :
Global TechHub

Introduction This article shows how to create a custom theme and then set a process application to use that theme. By default, a new process application uses the BPM Theme. This theme contains all of the definitions used by the IBM® BPM responsive controls. This sample creates a theme that is based on the BPM Theme and modifies two variables to change the appearance of many responsive controls. The sample then opens the existing Sample to change its theme to the new custom theme to demonstrate how changing the theme changes how the existing Sample looks. Implementation Step 1: Create a Login Page. Lean how to create login page in IBM BPM. When you run the login page with IBM BPM existing theme it will looks like below. Step 2: Create a theme called Custom Theme by copying the BPM Theme. For information, see Creating Themes . Step 3: Open the process app settings. In the Coach Designer Settings section, change the theme to the new theme and then save your change. ...
Author :
Global TechHub
Introduction RESTful Web Services are basically REST Architecture based Web Services. In REST Architecture everything is a resource. RESTful web services are light weight, highly scalable and maintainable and are very commonly used to create APIs for web-based applications. This article describes the Rest API principles and best practices. Many of the API design opinions found on the web are academic discussions revolving around subjective interpretations of fuzzy standards as opposed to what makes sense in the real world. My goal with this post is to describe best practices for a pragmatic API designed for today's web applications. I make no attempt to satisfy a standard if it doesn't feel right. Overview The success of an API is determined by the pace developers adopt and have success using an API. The rapid adoption of APIs is based on the design. Follow these RESTful API Design Principles for successful API adoption: ü Reduce complexity ü Keep URL intuiti...
Author :
Global TechHub

Introduction This artical demonstrates a simple HTTP request-response activity. Mule responds to end user calls submitted via Web browser with a message that reads, "Hello <name>". This example was designed to demonstrate the ability of a Mule application to interact with an end user via an HTTP request. The goal is to introduce users to Anypoint Studio by illustrating a very simple functionality. Implementation As part of implementation we need to follow below steps. Ø Create a Mule Project. Ø Implement the Logic. Ø Test the application. Create a Mule Project: Open Anypoint Studio, Select File à New à Mule Project. Enter Project Name as ‘HelloWorldSample’. Select the Runtime, I have selected as Mule Server 3.8.4 EE than click on Finish. It will open empty HelloWorldSample Canvas as shown below. Implement the Logic: Search for http in the palette and drag the HTTP ...