
Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Installation

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack is provided as a set of plug-ins for Eclipse or JBoss Developer Studio. Depending on whether you are already using Eclipse or JBoss Developer Studio, there are a variety of ways of installing JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack.
We are going to explain Installation of JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack in Windows system.
System Requirements
This release of JBoss Developer Studio is supported for use with a range of operating system, architecture and Java developer kit combinations. To install and run this release of JBoss Developer Studio, the following memory requirements are recommended:
Ø  2 GB of hard disk space
The minimum memory requirements are 2 GB RAM and 1 GB of hard disk space.
Step 1: Download the Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Integration Stack 10.0.0.GA Stand-Alone Installer.
Step 2: Run the installer
a.       For Windows Development Hosts:
Go to the folder you have downloaded the installer and either:
b.      Right-click on the installer jar
c.       Select Open With→Jar Launcher
Or double-click on the jar to start the installer (on Windows).
Step 3: Accept the terms and conditions, Choose your preferred installation path than click on next. 
Step 4: Select the default Java VM than click on next.
Step 5: At the Select Platforms and Servers step, configure the runtime server by clicking Add and browsing to the location of the Fuse Install directory than click on next.
Step 6: Select JBoss Fuse Development as additional features than click on next. 
Now we should be ready to start installation. We can see the summary screen than click on install.
Finally, after installation it will open as shown below.
Now we have installed JBoss developer studio and ready for developing applications using JBoss developer studio.
S. No
File Name
JBoss Developer Studio Installation.pdf
400 KB
