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Author :
Global TechHub
Introduction In this article, I am going to expain the deployment of Swagger Editor in Apache Tomcat server. After deployment we can access the Swagger Editor directly from server instead of opening html file to access Swagger Editor. Overview Step 1: First we need to Download Apache Tomcat server and extract it. Step 2: Download Swagger Editor and extract it. Step 3: Copy the extracted folder into <Tomcat Server>/webapps and rename the dist folder to swagger-editor. Step 4: Start the apache server. Step 5: Open http://localhost:8080/swagger-editor/ in browser. By default it will load with petstore sample as swagger provided as default sample. Conclusion We have successfully deployed Swagger Editor in Apache tomcat and able to access swagger editor from server.
Author :
Global TechHub
Introduction In this article, I am going to explain the deployment of Swagger UI in Apache Tomcat server. After deployment we can access the Swagger UI directly from server instead of opening html file to access Swagger UI. Overview Step 1: First we need to Download Apache Tomcat server and extract it. Step 2: Download Swagger UI and extract it. Step 3: From extracted files copy the dist folder into <Tomcat Server>/webapps and rename the dist folder to swagger-ui. Step 4: Start the Apache server. Step 5: Open http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui in browser. By default it will load with petstore sample as swagger provided as default sample. Conclusion We have successfully deployed Swagger UI in Apache tomcat and able to access swagger ui from server. I am going to show how to deploy swagger editor in Apache tomcat server in my next article.
Author :
Global TechHub

Introduction In this article we will expose a REST Webservice using Apache Camel and CXFRS. Using JAX-RS we can configure the server to expose a REST services which returns an output by directly calling the specified resource class. If we have to use the camel route for returning the response then we make use of CXF-RS. Overview We will be creating a Maven project with minimum dependencies added to POM for getting Camel up and running. In future chapter’s further dependencies will be added to the POM.xml as and when required. The dependencies are added for deploying our application on JBoss Fuse. Step 1: In eclipse Go to File->other->Maven Project. Click Next Button. Step 2: If not already selected, select Use default Location, select a simple project. Click Next Button. Step 3: Enter the values for Group Id as com.eai.integration and Artifact Id as Integration-API-Sample and click on finish . Our Maven Web Project is now...