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Global TechHub

Introduction Red Hat JBoss Fuse is an agile, lightweight, and modern integration platform that breaks down traditional data center boundaries. A true hybrid solution that interconnects all enterprise assets, while creating and composing microservices with enterprise class integration patterns, and supporting modern microservice architecture, Red Hat Fuse has embraced container technology to enhance the DevOps experience. Here we are going to learn how to install/configure Redhat JBoss Fuse runtime. Prerequisites Before you start, make sure you have installed the following software: Ø Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8.x (Java 8) Ø Apache Maven - Download Ø Jboss-fuse-karaf-6.3.0.redhat-187.zip - Download Overview Step 1: After successfully installed Java, set the JAVA_HOME under environment variables. My Computer(This PC) à Properties à Advanced System Settings à Environment Variables à Click on New under system Variables. E...
Author :
Global TechHub
Introduction There are two ways we can integrate BPD in IBM BPM Process designer as a Restful service. It can be either inbound or outbound integration. Outbound Integration involves the Business Process Definitions (BPD) invoking external Restful service as part of the process. This artical focuses on inbound integration that involves exposing the BPD as a Restful service for external users. Overview As part of exposing BPD as a Restful Service we need to follow below steps. 1. Create a BPD. 2. Expose as a Service. 3. Install Sanpshot. 4. Test the Application. Create a BPD: Open Process Designer and Click on Create New Process App . Give name as ‘ BPD Sample App ’, Acronomy as ‘ BSA’ and click on Cretae . Click on ‘ Open in Designer’ , now our application will open in designer we c...
Author :
Global TechHub
Introduction: Business process management servers provide a set of APIs that are implemented using the Representational State Transfer (REST) services. The Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) in these APIs are a set of REST services that access business process and task data. The following resources in this IBM Business Process Manager resource set to develop client applications that you can use to work with business processes and tasks. These business processes and tasks are hosted by the business process definition (BPD) runtime environment. Ø Business process definitions (BPD) and process instances Ø External activities and services Ø Tasks Ø Users and groups Ø Saved searches and custom searches Ø Asset lists Ø Process application settings Ø Asset details Ø Snapshot change histories Ø Snapshot change history comparisons Overview: This IBM Business Process Manager resource is used t...